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How to Get Job in USA for Indian

Ignite Your Journey: How to Get Job in USA for Indian Professionals in 2023

Introduction: How to Get Job in USA for Indian

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on How to Get Job in USA for Indian. In today’s globalized world, many talented individuals from India are looking to pursue a career in USA. Getting a job in USA is the dream of many people and by making it come true they get personal and professional opportunities for themselves. Although the process is difficult, with the right approach and preparation, getting a job in the US is possible. In this article “How to Get Job in USA for Indian,” we will tell you about the important facts to get a job like this.

Some Important Facts: How to Get Job in USA for Indian Professionals

1. Understand the Job Market

Before starting job search in USA it is important to familiarize yourself with the dynamics of the country’s job market. The American job market is diverse and highly competitive, offering numerous opportunities across various industries. Research and analyze the sectors that align with your skills, qualifications, and experience. Familiarize yourself with the industries that are in high demand and have a shortage of skilled professionals. Research the specific qualifications, certifications, and skills that employers seek in candidates. With this knowledge you will be able to craft your resume, highlight relevant experiences and present yourself as an ideal candidate. Identify the key players, trends, and in-demand positions within your field of expertise.

2. Enhance Your Skills and Qualifications

To stand out in a competitive job market, consider enhancing your skills and qualifications. Pursue advanced degrees or certifications or specialized training programs that are recognized and valued in the US job market. By showcasing your dedication to ongoing learning and professional growth, you exhibit a strong commitment to self-improvement and advancement in your field. Additionally, gaining proficiency in English through language courses or certificates such as TOEFL or IELTS can increase your job prospects.

3. Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

When it comes to impressing potential employers, your resume and cover letter play a pivotal role as they serve as your initial introduction. It is vital to dedicate time and effort to create a captivating resume and cover letter that will leave a positive and lasting impression on hiring managers. Tailor your application materials to highlight your relevant skills, accomplishments, and experiences that are directly applicable to the job you are applying for. Use powerful action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible. Additionally, ensure that your resume adheres to US standards and conventions. With a well-crafted resume and cover letter, you can grab the attention of employers and get success in interviews.

4. Networking is Key

In the USA, networking plays a crucial role in the job search process. Build a strong professional network by attending industry conferences, seminars, and job fairs. Leverage online professional platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions. Networking can often lead to referrals and uncover hidden job opportunities.

5. Leverage Internship and Volunteer Opportunities

Internships and volunteer positions can serve as stepping stones to gain valuable work experience in the USA. Seek out opportunities to intern or volunteer at companies or organizations within your field of interest. This experience will not only allow you to bolster your resume, but also allow you to develop important industry contacts and gain a deeper understanding of the American work culture.

6. Research Potential Employers

Before applying for jobs, invest time in researching potential employers thoroughly. Gain insights into their mission, values, work culture, and recent developments. Tailor your application materials to align with the specific requirements and values of each organization. Demonstrating your knowledge and passion for a company can significantly increase your chances of securing an interview.

7. Leverage Professional Development Resources

Take advantage of professional development resources available in the USA. Join relevant industry associations, attend workshops, and enroll in training programs to enhance your skills further. Participate in webinars and online courses to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in your field. Continuous learning and professional growth will make you a valuable asset to potential employers.

8. Prepare for Interviews

Thoroughly preparing for interviews is essential in order to leave a lasting impact on prospective employers. Taking the time to adequately prepare can significantly enhance your chances of making a positive and memorable impression during the interview process. Research the company thoroughly and familiarize yourself with their mission, values, and recent achievements. Practice common interview questions and formulate compelling answers that highlight your skills and experiences. Additionally, polish your communication skills to ensure effective and confident articulation during the interview. Dress professionally, maintain eye contact, and exude confidence during the interview process.

9. Adapt the US Work Culture


When transitioning to the US work culture, it is crucial to adapt and embrace the cultural nuances and norms. Familiarize yourself with workplace etiquette, communication styles, and professional expectations. Building strong relationships with colleagues and supervisors can contribute to your success and advancement within the organization. Develop an understanding of workplace dynamics, etiquette, and professional norms in the USA. Being adaptable and open-minded will help you integrate into the work environment more smoothly and build meaningful professional relationships.

10. Stay Positive and Persistent

Finding a job in the USA may take time and effort. It is crucial to stay positive and persistent throughout the process. Rejections are part of the journey, but each rejection brings you closer to the right opportunity. Maintain a positive mindset, leverage feedback to improve your application, and keep refining your job search strategies. With determination and perseverance, you will increase your chances of securing a job in the USA.

11. Leverage Online Job Portals

Online job portals are a treasure trove of opportunities. Register on reputable job portals that cater to the USA job market. Customize your profile and set up job alerts based on your preferences. Regularly browse through job listings and submit well-crafted applications. Remember to optimize your profile with relevant keywords to improve your visibility to recruiters.

Job portals are a valuable resource for individuals seeking employment opportunities in the USA, especially for Indians. These platforms provide a wide range of job vacancies, offering details such as salary structures and other pertinent information. Additionally, there are specialized websites that cater to specific industries, making it easier for job seekers to navigate. Here are examples of such websites for different fields:

1. Sales:
• Sales Gravy

2. Tech:
• Dice
• Stack Overflow
• GitHub

3. Design:
• Behance
• Dribbble
• Carbonmade
• Coroflot

4. Hospitality:
• Hospitality Online
• LinkUp

These websites focus on providing relevant job opportunities tailored to each industry, ensuring a more efficient and targeted job search experience.

Understand Visa and Work Permit Requirements

As an Indian professional seeking employment in the USA, it is essential to understand the visa and work permit requirements. Research the different visa categories such as H-1B, L-1, E, O or TN visas that are applicable to your field. Consult with an immigration attorney to ensure you meet all the necessary legal obligations and understand the processes involved in obtaining the required documentation.
There are several types of visas that a foreign individual can apply for:

1. Visa entitles you to work in the USA

There are different visa categories that allow you to work in the USA:

H-1B Visa:

The H-1B visa is designed for foreign workers who are employed in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise. Key points about the H-1B visa include:

• Importance: The H-1B visa is highly significant as it allows U.S. employers to hire skilled foreign professionals for specialized roles.

• Duration: Initially granted for up to three years, it can be extended for a maximum total of six years.

Employer sponsorship: Employers must sponsor H-1B applicants and file a petition on their behalf, demonstrating the need for specialized skills.

Numerical cap: The H-1B program has an annual numerical cap on the number of visas issued, with certain exemptions for select categories.

L-1 Visa:

The L-1 visa is intended for intracompany transferees, allowing multinational companies to transfer employees from their foreign branches to their U.S. offices. Key points about the L-1 visa include:

Importance: The L-1 visa is crucial for multinational corporations to facilitate the movement of key personnel across their global operations.

Dual intent: L-1 visa holders can have dual intent, meaning they can pursue permanent residency (Green Card) while on the L-1 visa.

Duration: The L-1 visa can be granted for an initial period of up to three years for an L-1A (executive/managerial) visa and up to one year for an L-1B (specialized knowledge) visa. Extensions are possible.

• Qualifications: The employee must have worked for the same company (or its affiliate/subsidiary) abroad for at least one year within the previous three years.

E Visa:

The E visa category includes the E-1 (Treaty Trader) and E-2 (Treaty Investor) visas. These visas are available to individuals from countries that have treaties of commerce and navigation with the United States. Key points about the E visa include:

Importance: The E visa is valuable for individuals engaged in international trade or investment activities between the U.S. and their home country.

Treaty requirement: To qualify, the applicant’s home country must have a relevant treaty with the United States.

Duration: E visas can be granted for varying durations, depending on the reciprocity agreements between the countries involved.

Investment or trade requirements: E-1 visa applicants must engage in substantial trade between the U.S. and their home country, while E-2 visa applicants must make a substantial investment in a U.S.-based enterprise.

TN Visa:

The TN visa is a nonimmigrant visa category available to citizens of Canada and Mexico under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Key points about the TN visa include:

Importance: The TN visa facilitates the temporary entry of Canadian and Mexican professionals into the United States for specific professional occupations.

Professional occupations: TN visa holders must be employed in specific occupations listed in the NAFTA treaty, such as scientists, engineers, teachers, and computer professionals.

Duration: TN visas are typically granted for up to three years and can be renewed.

Employer requirements: TN applicants need a job offer from a U.S. employer that meets the requirements of the specific profession.

O Visa:

The O visa is a nonimmigrant visa category in the United States that is specifically designed for individuals with extraordinary ability or achievement in certain fields. The O visa allows these individuals to come to the United States temporarily to work in their respective fields. Here are key points about the O visa:

• Categories: The O visa has three subcategories: a. O-1A: For individuals with extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, or athletics. b. O-1B: For individuals having extraordinary ability in the arts, including music, film, television, theater, or other performing arts. c. O-2: For individuals who will accompany and assist O-1 visa holders in their specific field.

• Extraordinary ability: To qualify for an O visa, the applicant must demonstrate extraordinary ability in their field, which means they have risen to the top of their profession or have achieved distinction. This can be evidenced through national or international recognition and acclaim.
Employer or agent sponsorship: O visa applicants must have a U.S.-based employer or agent acting on their behalf. The employer or agent must file a petition with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to sponsor the individual for an O visa.

Temporary stay: The O visa is a temporary nonimmigrant visa, allowing individuals to stay in the United States for a specific period of time to work in their field of extraordinary ability. The initial duration of stay can be up to three years, with the possibility of extensions.

Dependents: O-1 visa holders can bring their spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 to the United States on O-3 visas. Dependents can study in the U.S. but are not allowed to work.

Application process: The O visa application process involves submitting a petition to the USCIS, providing evidence of the individual’s extraordinary ability or achievement, and demonstrating the need for the individual’s services in the United States. The specific evidence required varies based on the category of the O visa.

The O visa is designed to attract individuals with exceptional talent and expertise in their fields to contribute to the United States. It allows them to work temporarily and showcase their skills, benefiting U.S. organizations and industries. It’s important to consult with an immigration attorney or expert for detailed guidance on the O visa application process and specific eligibility requirements.

Green Card:

In the United States, a Green Card is an official document that serves as evidence of lawful permanent residence. It is also known as a Permanent Resident Card. The Green Card provides a pathway for individuals to establish permanent residency in the United States, offering long-term stability and the opportunity to build a life in the country. It is important to consult with an immigration attorney or expert for detailed information and guidance on the Green Card application process and specific eligibility requirements.

Legal status: A Green Card signifies that the holder has been granted lawful permanent resident status in the United States. It grants the individual the right to live and work permanently in the country.

Benefits: Green Card holders enjoy various benefits, including the ability to reside in the United States indefinitely, work in any job or industry without sponsorship, and travel freely in and out of the country. They can also access certain social benefits, such as healthcare, education, and retirement programs.

Pathway to citizenship: A Green Card is a significant step toward obtaining U.S. citizenship. After maintaining Green Card status for a specified period of time, typically five years (or three years for spouses of U.S. citizens), Green Card holders may be eligible to apply for naturalization and become U.S. citizens.

Eligibility criteria:
a. First preference: Immigrant workers who demonstrate extraordinary ability in Science, Arts, Business, or are Multinational Managers or Executives, as well as outstanding researchers or professors.
b. Second preference: Immigrant workers in professions that require an advanced degree and are seeking a national interest waiver.
c. Third preference: Immigrant workers falling into one of three categories: a. Skilled workers: Those with a minimum of two years of work experience in a job that requires specialized skills. b. Professionals: Individuals who hold a Bachelor’s Degree in their field. c. Unskilled workers: Individuals with less than two years of work experience.

It’s important to note that to pursue any of these preferences, one must find an employer willing to sponsor their application. If successfully sponsored, the applicant can secure an H-1B Visa. However, it is crucial to ensure that the applicant’s resume supports their application throughout the process.

Application process: Obtaining a Green Card typically involves a complex and lengthy process. It often requires sponsorship from a U.S.-based employer, immediate family member, or through other specific immigration pathways, such as refugee or asylum status, diversity lottery, or investment programs.

Renewal and conditions: Green Cards are typically valid for ten years. However, it is essential to note that certain categories of Green Cards, such as conditional Green Cards based on marriage or entrepreneurship, may have different validity periods and additional requirements.

• Rights and responsibilities: Green Card holders have many of the same rights and responsibilities as U.S. citizens, such as the right to legal protection, the obligation to pay taxes, and compliance with U.S. laws. However, they are not eligible to vote in federal elections or hold certain government positions reserved for citizens.

2. Comperision Between Green Card And Visa

When it comes to seeking a job in the USA, both having a Green Card (permanent residency) and holding a visa have their advantages and considerations. Here’s a comparison of the two:

1. Green Card:

• Stability and flexibility: With a Green Card, you have permanent residency in the United States, which means you can live and work in the country indefinitely.

• Employment opportunities: Having a Green Card grants you more employment opportunities since you are not restricted to specific jobs or employers. You can work in any field or industry without needing employer sponsorship.

• Portability: Green Card holders have the freedom to change jobs or careers without facing immigration-related issues.

• Access to benefits: Green Card holders can access various social benefits and protections available to U.S. citizens, such as healthcare, education, and retirement benefits.

2. Visa:

• Temporary work authorization: Visas, such as the H-1B, L-1, or O-1, allow individuals to work in the United States for a specific period of time and are typically tied to a specific employer and job.

• Sponsorship requirement: In most cases, visas require sponsorship from a U.S.-based employer. This means you need to secure a job offer before applying for a visa, and your employment is dependent on that specific employer.

• Limited duration: Visas are temporary by nature and have an expiration date. Renewal or extension of the visa is subject to various factors, including employer sponsorship and immigration regulations.

• Specialized visas: Certain visas, such as the EB-5 investor visa or the E-2 treaty investor visa, offer opportunities for entrepreneurs or investors to work in the United States under specific conditions.

Ultimately, whether a Green Card or a visa is more comfortable for seeking a job in the USA depends on individual circumstances, long-term goals, and personal preferences. Green Card holders generally have more freedom and flexibility in their employment options, while visa holders may have more specific opportunities tied to their sponsoring employers. It’s essential to consider factors like job market conditions, career aspirations, and immigration requirements when making a decision. Consulting with an immigration attorney or expert can provide more tailored advice based on your situation.

Placement Organizations

How to get job in USA for Indian seekers? Here is a list of organizations that can aid worldwide individuals with placement in the USA:

1. Robert Half International: Robert Half is a global staffing and consulting firm with a significant presence in the United States. They offer placement services in various industries, including finance, accounting, technology, legal, and administrative positions.

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How to Get Job in USA for Indian Professionals

2. Kelly Services: Kelly Services is a leading staffing agency that provides temporary, contract, and permanent placement services. They operate across multiple industries and have a wide network of clients throughout the United States.

3. Randstad: Randstad is a global HR consulting and staffing firm that offers a range of placement services. They cover various sectors, including IT, engineering, finance, healthcare, and more.

4. ManpowerGroup: ManpowerGroup is a well-established staffing and recruitment agency that operates globally, including the United States. They offer temporary, contract, and permanent placement solutions across diverse industries.

5. Adecco: Adecco is one of the world’s largest HR solutions providers and has a strong presence in the United States. They specialize in temporary staffing, permanent placement, and other HR-related services.

TruBlue, Aerotek, EmployBridge and Kforce are also the important placement organizations which provide placement for individuals in the USA.

Highest-paying jobs in USA

The United States of America, renowned for hosting some of the globe’s largest corporations, continues to be an aspirational career destination for individuals worldwide. This diverse country serves as a melting pot of various cultures, offering a healthy work-life balance and abundant prospects for career growth. Consequently, the USA is a highly sought-after job location, presenting numerous opportunities to showcase your talents and skills.

If you harbor a desire to work in the USA, we are here to simplify your job search. Explore our curated list of the highest-paying jobs in the USA, ensuring you make an informed decision that aligns with your professional aspirations and expertise.

•  Software developer
•  IT manager
•  Data scientist
•  Statistician
•  Financial manager
• Environmental engineer
• Mechanical engineer
• Market research analysts
• Nurse practitioner
• Physician Assistant
• Dentist
• Veterinarian
• Speech-Language Pathologist


In conclusion of the article ” How to Get Job in USA for Indian,” securing a job in the USA as an Indian professional requires careful planning, preparation, and perseverance. By understanding the job market, enhancing your qualifications, networking effectively, and tailoring your application materials, you can position yourself as a competitive candidate. Remember to excel in interviews, navigate the visa process diligently, and adapt to the US work culture. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can turn your dream of working in the USA into a reality.


Q1.  Is it possible for me to secure a job in the USA with an Indian degree?

A1.  Absolutely! You can obtain a job in the USA with an Indian degree if you meet the educational qualifications and specifications required by the company.

Q2.  Do I need a work permit to find employment in the USA?

A2.  Yes, as an Indian citizen, you are required to have a visa and a work permit to seek employment in the USA.

Q3.  What are the methods to discover suitable job opportunities in the USA?

A3.  You can explore job opportunities through online job portals or consider searching for jobs on social media platforms.

Q4.  Which social media platform is recommended for finding job offers in the USA?

A4.  While there are several social media platforms that can assist you in this regard, LinkedIn is widely considered the best social media platform for job searching.

Q5.  Is proof of my identity necessary when applying for a job in the USA?

A5.  Yes, you must possess valid identification as an Indian citizen when applying for jobs in the USA.

Q6. How can Indians secure employment in the USA?

A6. Skilled employees with work experience have favorable prospects for obtaining jobs in the USA.

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